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How to reach Rourkela


The nearest airport to Rourkela is  at Jharsuguda, Odisha. Jharsuguda is approximately 150 km from Rourkela. Many trains are available to reach Rourkela from Jharsuguda. The Jharsuguda airport is connected by air to New Delhi, Kolkata, and Hyderabad.



Rourkela is well connected by train routs with all parts of the country. It is situated on the Howrah-Mumbai line and as well as on Ranchi-Bhubaneswar line.


By Road:

Rourkela is connected to various towns of the state by State Highway no 10 and National Highway no. 23. Thus it is also connected with cities like Ranchi, Raipur, Sambalpur etc. Several buses ply between Rourkela and the major cities of the state like Bhubaneswar, Puri, Sambalpur etc.


How to Reach NIT

Rourkela railway station is situated 7 km away from the NIT campus. Autos/taxis are available round the clock there. Local transport facility is also available from nearby state and private bus terminus. Official guests are normally received at the railway station.

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